1. ACME/WildCardCertificate
/6125 |
証明書を取り扱う業者によっては wildcard certificatesは使わないように勧めている。
- Wildcard notation consists of an asterisk and a period before the domain name.
1.1. RFC
2818, 6125 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#page-27 6.4.3. Checking of Wildcard Certificates
Only left-most labels, i.e. *.example.com but not www.*.com. This implicitly excludes multiple wildcards like *.*.example.com. A wildcard label can be matched only against a single label, i.e. *.example.com will match www.example.com but not sub.www.example.com. If the wildcard is not the full label (i.e. w*.example.com) it should not occur inside IDNA labels.
1.2. CAB
Baseline Requirements Certificate Policy for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates
1.3. example
"*.example.com" は
payment.example.com contact.example.com login-secure.example.com www.example.com
Because the wildcard only covers one level of subdomains (the asterisk doesn't match full stops. (RFC2818)
この部分でRFCを持ち出すのもおかしいか。HTTPだからいいのか。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2019-01-26 11:33:27
1.4. limitations
Only a single level of subdomain matching is supported in accordance with RFC 2818
In addition, wildcards themselves can have subjectAltName extensions, including other wildcards.
What are limitations of Wildcard or OmniDomain certificates?
The wildcard character only replaces characters from 0 to 9 and from A to Z and dash (equivalent to [0-9A-Za-z\-]+)
1.5. Examples
The wildcard may appear anywhere inside a label (aka "partial-wildcard").
DNS challenge validationを考えると、この主張は無理がある。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2019-01-26 15:04:21
Do not allow a label that consists entirely of just a wildcard unless it is the left-most label. (というよりも、最初のラベルだけでしか使えない。)
A cert with multiple wildcards in a name is not allowed.
- "*.*.domain.com"
A cert with * plus a top-level domain is not allowed.
- "*.com"
Too general and should not be allowed.
- "*"
1.6. 実装
Comodo : http://valuessl.net/ssl-certificate/comodo/comodopositivesslwildcard.php
JPRS: https://jprs.jp/pubcert/about/wildcard/
- フィーチャーフォンのブラウザからはワイルドカード証明書を設定したWebサイトを表示することができません。 複数階層のサブドメインには対応していない
digicert: https://dc.cybertrust.co.jp/ssl/wildcard-ssl-certificates.html
DigiCert のワイルドカード証明書はコモンネームと同じドメインであれば、 Subject Alternative Names(サブジェクトの別名)を使用して、 コモンネームと異なる階層の FQDN を追加可能なため、「example.com」というドメイン名そのものや、「support.mail.example.com」のような別の階層の FQDN も 1 枚で利用可能です。
- 個別に追加することになる。(wildcardも可能か)
https://www.geotrust.co.jp › SSL/TLS入門ガイド
1.7. phishing
Wildcard SSL Certificates and Phishing: A Match Made in Heaven
Read more at: https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/wildcard-ssl-certificates-phishing-match-made-heaven/ https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/wildcard-ssl-certificates-phishing-match-made-heaven/
With a Wildcard certificate, the left-most label of the domain name is replaced with an asterisk. There are restrictions on Wildcards that limit the scenarios they can be used in. There can only be one “*” and it must be in the left-most position. So, “www.*.secure.com” is not allowed. It also cannot be used directly after the TLD. So “*.com” is not allowed. If a large proportion of phishing sites begin using Wildcard certificates instead of single-domain or multi-domain certificate it will make CT logs an ineffective detection systems.