Internet/breakingについて、ここに記述してください。 Why Does Internet Keep Breaking? James Miles sent me a long list of really good questions along the lines of “why do we see so many Internet-related outages lately and is it due to BGP and DNS creaking of old age”. Internet became mission-critical infrastructure BGP & DNS are some of the oldest protocols in regular use, are the protocols creaking with modern approaches? The real problem of BGP seem to be the implementations. ---- DNS seems to be in a bit more of a tight spot due to DNSSEC – the replies don’t fit into a single UDP packet anymore. I know just enough about DNS to be able to form wrong opinions, but from where I’m sitting it looks like we would have to change the way we do things and the default settings, but maybe not the whole protocol. {{{ As the oldest protocols in regular use, are engineers losing the skill to effectively deploy them? }}}