
1. DNS/enom/障害/enom_support


発生事象はここに集まっている。問題はなぜ発生したか、であろう。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2022-01-23 01:32:45

Enom Data Center Migration
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Enom

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted 7 days ago. Jan 15, 2022 - 18:00 PST


This scheduled maintenance affected: (Website, Domain Search, Domain Purchase, Domain Management), Domain Services (Core gTLDs, Core ccTLDs, Other gTLDs, Other ccTLDs), and API, Basic Email Service, DNS Service, SSL Certificates, Customer Support. 

1.1. 計画では

In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted 7 days ago. Jan 15, 2022 - 06:00 PST

To better support our customers and ensure long term stability, Enom will be undergoing a data center migration for a period of 12 hours. This period will be between 6AM PST and 6PM PST on January 15th. Enom support agents will be unable to assist outside of general inquires as the migration will impact all systems.

During the migration both and will be unavailable. This means you will be unable to log into your account via the UI (user interface/website) or process any actions via our API (application programming interface).

This also includes but is not limited to:

- Domain registration, transfer, renewal, or contact update requests through our API or UI. This includes actions related to the Registrant Verification Process (RAA).

- Provision new mailboxes or manage your customers’ email settings via the API or UI.

- Provision new SSL certificates or manage your customers’ SSL certificates via the API or UI.

PLEASE NOTE: Any actions that fail during this period will need to be re-actioned once completed.

The following will remain operational:

- DNS will continue to resolve as intended.

- Email will remain operational.

- Active/Issued SSL certificates will remain secure.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your patience.


The Enom Team.
Posted 1 month ago. Dec 15, 2021 - 10:31 PST

MoinQ: DNS/enom/障害/enom_support (last edited 2022-01-23 01:32:45 by ToshinoriMaeno)